Lutein Bulk Powder, 16-oz - Cost Effective, Easy to Take. Highly Bioavailable

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MSRP: $74.99
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Lutein contains an antioxidant carotenoid (lutein) that gives fruits and vegetables a yellow color. Lutein is also found in large quantities in dark leafy vegetables like spinach and kale and in carrots. Lutein can also be found in animal fats and eggs. People are born with a certain amount of Lutein in their eyes, but the body does not reproduce it.

Lutein Benefits:
Lutein is a carotenoid with reported anti-inflammatory properties. A large body of evidence shows that lutein has several beneficial effects, especially on eye health. 

Additional benefits include:
Hair, Skin & Nails

Consumer Advisory: Dietary supplements are foods, not drugs, and they are not intended to help you diagnose, treat, prevent, mitigate or cure any illness. If you are seriously ill or think you might be, consult a doctor you know and trust before you try to diagnose and treat yourself.

Consumer Tip: For additional information about Lutein, search "lutein national institutes of health". The NIH publishes studies, but most people find them easy enough to read, especially if you stick to the ABSTRACT at the beginning of the study and CONCLUSIONS at the end. If you see something that piques your interest, ask you doctor. NIH studies get their attention - that's for sure.

GET THE KIT! Eye nutrition you can ask your doctor about - Lutein and Astaxanthin. NEW and ONLY from Susan's Herbs: Astaxanthin and Lutein Eye Nutrition KIT. You get 8-oz Lutein powder and 8-oz Astaxanthin powder for a special price. $75 with free shipping. Now THAT'S value!



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